Psychic Intuitive
Reunites Love
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Sahaswara (violet)
The Crown Chakra, which is the 7th Chakra, is at the very top of the head. It is associated with the colors violet and pure white Light. Also known as “Thousand Petaled Lotus,” which bursts open when we remember our true nature and experience enlightenment.It is linked to our awareness of our Oneness with Higher Power, Source, integration of the Whole, living in the now, meaning, devotion, inspiration, and higher alignment.
Ajna (indigo)
The sixth chakra, also known as the ‘brow chakra” or the “third eye” is located between the eyes. It’s the center of insight, where we integrate all the information and intuition in our life. When energy isn’t flowing easily through this chakra, we have a sense of self-doubt and distrust. When it’s open and clear, we feel deeply connected to our inner wisdom and trust that it guides us in our choices.
Vishuddha (blue)
This energy center is localized in the throat area and relates to communication and self-expression . . . the ability to voice our dreams. When our center of communication is clear, we’re able to express our truth without worrying about what others may think. In contrast, with a congested fifth chakra, we feel anxious about how other people will react to our views and are likely to censor ourselves.
Anahata (green)
This energy center is sometimes referred to as the "heart chakra” because it resonates in the heart and relates to compassion and love. When the fourth chakra is flowing and open, we feel deeply connected to everyone in our life. But when it’s obstructed, we experience loneliness and a sense of alienation.
Manipura (yellow)
The third chakra, which governs our will, self-esteem and sense of personal power, is located in the solar plexus. It is linked to our internalized parent, “shoulds,” self-esteem, reaction to criticism, personal power, and ego – our sense of an individual, separate self. When energy flows freely through this center, we’re confident about our ability to manifest our intentions and desires. When the third chakra is blocked, however, we feel powerless and frustrated
Svadhisthana (orange)
This chakra resides in reproductive area and is associated with creativity and birth―both literally to a new baby but also metaphorically to new aspects of ourselves, projects and ideas. When this chakra is healthy, we’re tapped into the source of higher energy that helps us wiht our pleasure, sexuality, creativity, and desires. When this chakra becomes congested, we may experience a block in our creative powers and a sense of dryness or emptiness.
Muladhara (red)
Located at the base of the spine, the first energy center, sometimes called “the root chakra,” relates to our most basic survival needs and our sense of belonging, whether to our family or a larger group. When this chakra is clear and energy flows through it freely, we feel secure and confident that we can easily fulfill our needs. On the other hand, blockage in this area can cause us to feel anxious and worried.